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RIO-Suite Release v2023-08-01

Maturityexperimental (Please read our advices about using experimental research results before using this project.)

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R-IOSUITE is an open source software project under AGPLv3.

R-IOSUITE is a software suite that embeds a set of tools dedicated to support efficiently inter-organizational collaborations (collaborative industrial projects, supply chain, crisis management, etc).

RIO-Suite is based on a model-driven architecture: the data is gathered and used to define situational models - describing the objectives,

the context, the risks and difference measure associated to the collaboration and the capabilities and the resources of the involved organizations - that are then used for different purpose

(visualization of the collaborative situation, monitoring of the collaboration, risks management, etc.).

The R-IOSUITE software suite (Salatgé et al., 2022), originating from the IO-Suite (Benaben et al., 2017) and Pro-(R)isk (Nguyen et al., 2013; Marmier et al., 2014) software prototypes, is dedicated to support (R)isk management and (I)nteroperability within (O)organization collaborations.

RIO-Suite is carried by a common architecture of several research projects in risk management and crisis management. Each project has given rise to a case study: ANR/ISyCri, EU/PLAY, ANR/SocEDA, Predit/SIM-PeTra, (EU/DRIVER), ANR/PRORISK (Hello Risk and Hello Transport), ANR/GéNéPi (Loire Flooding), CSFRS/SANCTUM (Loire Flooding), ANR/MACIV (Var Flooding) ANR/RESOCIO, Préfecture d'Occitanie/CRIZ'INNOV (Aude Flooding), EU HORIZON/MEDIATE (forthcoming) and EGCERSIS joint laboratory (Albi metro crisis, IMT CGI crisis and Synchronized terrorist attack). More generic case studies cover all the R-IOSUITE features: Crane, Hello Drugs, Hello World, V Cycle and Weather Forecast Station.

R-IOSUITE is released every 6 months under an open source AGPLV3 licence.

R-IOSUITE includes the COSIMA metamodel (Benaben et al, 2020), the R-IOGA (Governance assistant), R-IOSEMIT (Events simulation), R-IOSE (Connection to data sensors), R-IORED (Interpretation rules), R-IOME (Meta-modeling assistant) applications R-IODA (Design assistant and process deduction), R-IOPLAY (GIS), R-IODED (Deduction strategies), R-IOSEPE (Process simulation), R-IOWA (Process orchestration and workflow assistant), R-IOTA (Supervision), R-IO4U (Mobile app), R-IOXO (external connector).

R-IOSUITE uses three databases: MongoDB to store the input events and the events generated by the orchestration, NeO4J to store the instances of the meta-model representing the current crisis situation, the anticipated situations, or the knowledge base and H2GIS to store the geolocated instances.

The programming languages used are java for the backend (dropwizard framework, apache CXF and Siddhi) and typescript, css and html for the frontend (angular framework).

R-IOSUITE follows a model-oriented architecture (XSD, XML, JSON) structuring all its web services (HTTP REST, SOAP, WSDL, WS-Notification).

The architecture of the latest release:

The source code of the latest release:

They work with us


Contact core members

Frederick Benaben :
Audrey fertier :

Among the tools we use to supervise the RIO-Suite development, special thank to:

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