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cypherCypherQueryPerforms a Neo4J query and returns a generic model

arg0 = query,
arg1 = collaborationName,
arg2 = knowledgeSpceName

overrides process method
cypherCountQueryPerforms a Neo4J query and returns a numberarg0 = query
arg1 = collaborationName,
arg2 = knowledgeSpceName

modelCountNodesGives the numbers of nodes of a modelarg0 = model 
modelFindNodeByPropertyFinds first node containing a given property valuearg0 = model,
arg1 = propertyName,
arg2 = propertyValue
modelFormatModelInJSONSerializes the model in JSONarg0 = model,
arg1 = type,
arg2 = template
modelGetIdGets the id of a given node/edgearg0 = BO (node or edge) 
modelGetRolesGets the roles of a given node/edge

arg0 = BO (node or edge)

nodeFindValuePropertyOnNodeGives the value of a given property from a given nodearg0 = node,
arg1 = propertyName
nodeGetOnNodeGives the value of a given field from a given nodearg0 = node,
arg1 = fieldName
utilGetGives the value of a given field from a given generic objectarg0 = object,
arg1 = fieldName
utilRandBoundGives a given number (int or double)arg0 = min,
arg1 = max,
arg2 = type (int | double)
utilToStringReturns the String value of an objectarg0 = the object 
utilContainsListlist.contains() equivalentReturns yes if an element belongs to the given list

arg0 = the list

arg1 = the element

util    ListIntersection  Returns the intersection of 2 given listsarg0 = list 1
arg1 = list 2 



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